Lens: 90mm schneider
Film: Kodak 320txp
Print: Albumen, double coated silver nitrate and gold chloride+borax toner.
This is my first viable albumen print. My first attempts, before I left for Haiti, were terrible. The images were too faint no matter how long the exposure-- the tonal scales falling between white and light-grey. I decided to revisit albumen a few days ago and tried double coating the silver nitrate. It made a huge difference. I am surprised alternative process books and websites don't mention double coating the sensitizer...The process is finicky, but I like it so far. I hope to get about 20-30 of these prints done in the next few months, which should be the culmination of my work at the Oregon State Arthropod Collection (I don't know if they'll all be albumen, or a mix of bromoil and other processes as well). Albumen seems to require an even denser negative then kallitypes or centennial P.O.P. (R.I.P.) does and I think a good strategy is to soak negatives in selenium toner for a handful of minutes (mixed with hypo-clear) to help bring out highlights (along with longer develop times). The albumen itself is difficult to size with, it tends to bubble (especially with two coats) which subsequently allows the silver nitrate to pool up in the little craters, which causes spots on the print. A dedicated work space, and access to legitimate equipment would definitely make the process easier...but so it goes...
All Photos shot with FILM!
Interested in buying a print? Feeling philanthropic and want to help me continue taking pictures?
Well thank you!
Here's what I am thinking (I am always open to suggestion):
...Reprints (Epson 11880 Ink Jet + fine art paper) = $50
Albumen print (the real deal) = $300
Larger sizes/frames/mounting send me an email and lets figure something out. Deal?